The Supervisory Board of the NP Market Council has assigned the Fortum Energia LLC the status of a participant in the wholesale energy market and assigned 28 groups of supply points to the company (GTP, the point of supply of power to the grid) on Monday 17th of April, 50 MW is reserved for each GTP, that is, the total capacity of wind parks can be 1400 MW . This fact should be taken exactly what it means – registration of supply points for prospective wind farms and does not mean the intention of the company to participate in the competition by rejecting RES projects this year, the company says. But at the same time, one can not ignore that the procedure for submitting an application for participation in the selection tender of RES projects includes the registration of a group of supply points.
The total volume of applications for the commissioning of wind farms, which will be accepted for the tender this year, is 1900 MW, namely: 2018 – 400 MW, 2019 – 500 MW., 2020 – 500 MW., 2021 – 500 MW., The maximum CapEx – from 109 670 rubles / 1 kW., in 2018 till 109 342 rubles / 1 kW in 2021. the tender regulation says.
Fortum (a member of RAWI) is building wind farm with capacity of 35 MW. in the Ulyanovsk region, which should be comossoned in late 2017. 14 wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 MW each will be built. The turbines supplied by DongFang Elrctric Corporation.