
Wind energy is legally strong supported by the Russian state. The base of the support – the mechanism of PSA (Power Supply Agreement). By 2014, it will be put into operation 3.6 thousand MW of wind farms.


RES legislation support model in Russia presentation

It explains the main provisions of the legislation supporting renewable energy in the wholesale market of energy and power requirements for the project, planned for construction, the foundation model and economics of renewable energy legislative support in Russia.

The legislative acts:

Приказ Минпромторга РФ № 1556 от 11 августа 2014 года. “Об утверждении Порядка определения степени локализации в отношении генерирующего объекта, функционирующего на основание использования возобновляемых источников энергии”

Approves the procedure for determining the degree of localization for the generating facilities operating on the basis of renewable energy sources. The degree of localization is determined by a commission on the basis of the list of documents provided by the applicant.

Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 05.05.2016 № 850−р

On the extension of renewable energy support program until 2024 due to the volume of renewable energy sources are not in demand in the previous competitions the selection of renewable energy projects

Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 10 ноября 2015 г. № 2279-р

Making adjustments to the current exchange rate when calculating the value of marginal capital costs for construction of the object of RES

Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 28 июля 2015 г. № 1472-р

“Pushes the right” degree of localization of renewable energy, increase the size of the maximum limit of capital expenditures, the market is “extended” until 2024

Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 28 мая 2013 г. N 861-р

On Amendments to the main directions of the state policy in the field of improving energy efficiency of electricity using renewable energy sources for the period until 2020, approved. Resolution of the Russian Government dated January 8, 2009 N 1, p. The changes are aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of a special trade mechanism qualified power generating facilities. Recall that it provides a competitive selection of investment projects for the construction of renewable energy generation facilities, which is carried out separately for each renewable energy technology. According to the results of the selection are contracts for power supply of qualified generating facilities. on power prices are determined on the basis of the principles of return on capital invested in the creation of these objects, and to ensure the necessary level of its profitability. It is mandatory to respect for the degree of localization of production in Russia main and auxiliary generating renewable energy equipment. It sets targets for the degree of localization. There are economic incentives for the development of Russia’s industrial production of such equipment. Identified as targets volumes of input power generating facilities and power generation using renewable energy. Established limit values capex for the construction of 1 kW of power generation of renewable energy facilities for the competitive selection of investment projects

Постановление от 28 мая 2013 No.449 “О механизме стимулирования использования возобновляемых источников энергии на оптовом рынке электрической энергии и мощности

It specifies as a mechanism to promote the use of renewable energy in the wholesale market of electric energy and capacity sales mechanism qualified power generating facilities, provided by the rules of the wholesale market.

Retail market

Презентация модели законодательства по поддержке ВИЭ на розничном рынке.

It explains the main provisions of the legislation supporting renewable energy in the retail market and the power requirements for the project, planned for construction, the foundation model and economics of renewable energy legislative support in Russia.

Приказ ФАС “Об утверждении методических указаний по установлении цен (тарифов) и (или) предельных (минимальных (или) максимальных) уровней цен (тарифов) на электрическую энергию (мощность), произведенную на функционирующих на основе использования возобновляемых источников энергии квалифицированных генерирующих объектах и приобретаемую в целях компенсации потерь в электрических сетях.

Order of the FAS “On approval of guidelines for the establishment of prices (tariffs) and (or) limit (minimum (or) maximum) levels of prices (tariffs) for electric energy (power) generated in the functioning on the basis of renewable energy qualified generation facilities and purchased to compensate for losses in electric networks. Document title fully reveals its essence.

Постановление Правительства РФ № 961 от 23.09.2016 «О порядке предоставления субсидий из федерального бюджета на государственную поддержку технологического присоединения генерирующих объектов, функционирующих на основе использования возобновляемых источников энергии»

State support will be given to stations operating on renewable energy sources (RES – solar, wind power, small hydro) and peat. Grants will amount to 70% of the cost of grid connection to the grid generation, their maximum size should not exceed 15 million rubles.

Постановление Правительства РФ от 23.01.2015 N 47 “О внесении изменений в некоторые акты Правительства Российской Федерации по вопросам стимулирования использования возобновляемых источников энергии на розничных рынках электрической энергии”

Постановление Правительства РФ от 20 октября 2010 г. N 850 “Об утверждении критериев для предоставления из федерального бюджета субсидий в порядке компенсации стоимости технологического присоединения генерирующих объектов с установленной генерирующей мощностью не более 25 МВт, признанных квалифицированными объектами, функционирующими на основе использования возобновляемых источников энергии, лицам, которым такие объекты принадлежат на праве собственности или на ином законном основании”

The owners and other legitimate owners of individual generating units are allocated subsidies to compensate for the cost of grid connection. It is a qualified generation facilities operating on renewable energy sources (sun, wind, water, etc..). Their power must not exceed 25 MW. The object is recognized by a qualified market advice. It issued a certificate. These are made of him in a special register. Get a grant may face are not in bankruptcy or liquidation. It imposes restrictions on the timing of the introduction of the generating facility.